I think we all knew this was coming. Silicon Era has posted that NamcoBandai has shared with them that there will be name changes in the US and EU versions of All Star Battle. It’s not surprising. Heritage for the Future had them. I’m pretty sure that some of the Viz licensed manga has had them. They are reportedly aiming “to make sure that the localized names for the characters fit with Hirohiko Araki’s intentions ‘while not offending any party,’” and that, “the localized names will be matched to the U.S. and European versions of the recent anime to ensure consistency.” So they are doing this with care, not that it won’t still infuriate some I know.
The key to this though, is how they phrased it. “Matched to the US and European versions of the recent anime.” We haven’t gotten any word on that one before. Might just be something you want to keep an eye out for as we move towards our new Part 3 anime.
(Thanks to the news from Silicon Era.)